
Sunday, October 08, 2006

Cra-Z D8s 3 (Funny Date Story)

I met this woman on one of the internet sites. We swapped emails, instant messaged each other for hours, and worked our way to telephone conversations. Two months later, when we found each other rushing home from work to check for email from each other and spending every free minute on the phone to one another, we decided we had to finally meet. It was as if we had fallen in love with each other’s internal self and hadn’t met the external person.

One beautiful Sunday afternoon, we decided to meet in the park near my home, figuring it was a perfect day for a walk in the park. The park is large so we chose a landmark near the entrance nearest my house. She said to look for a lady with her dog. As I approached the designated statue for our first meeting, a long haired beauty with her little poodle on a leash caught my eye. I threw my eyes to heaven, spread my arms, and thought to myself, “Thank you, Lord!”

Just as I was about to say hello to this beautiful long-haired blond, I heard my name shouted. I looked toward the voice. It was coming from this huge woman laying on the ground under the statue. I had not even noticed her. I thought it was a shadow, cast by the statue. However, there she was with her dirty, stringy, long blonde hair and her mangy mutt, both laying on the ground under the statue. I looked toward the beautiful blonde with the cute little dog and then back to the huge dark shadow of a woman with her scraggly mutt and thought, “Very funny, God; aren’t you the joker.”

Lesson learned: I am visual; it may be shallow, yes, but I am definitely visual. I could not wrap my mind around the two months I spent falling in love with this particular woman’s spirit. I am not one to lie and I know that I mentioned many times how I can’t find attraction for fat women. I felt betrayed by her; she had lied to me about herself. She looked nothing like the picture she had originally shown me on the net. It never occurred to me that she had never shown me that picture again in the two months we talked.

I politely suggested we take our short walk, figuring she couldn’t walk too far anyway. I thought, “Maybe she will become more attractive to me when we talk.” That was not the case though. I found nothing attractive about this woman. Finally, I politely thanked her for the short walk and feigned that I needed to get back to some work I had piled up. I went home, deleted her from my computer communications and considered this a lesson learned.

The internet is a wonderful way to meet people we may not have an opportunity to meet in our daily lives. However, I use a bit more caution now. For one thing, I am quite adamant to tell women how “looks” are my shallow cross to bare. If I cannot admit that I am shallow in this aspect, then how can I expect her to admit that I probably would not be attracted to her. If I walk through my daily life, passing obese women in the stores without checking them out or wanting to meet them, then no amount of conversation and spiritual connection on the internet or phone is going to change that trait in me.

Now, I choose a very public place for coffee immediately. The saddest part about the internet is that the ladies do not know who they are about to meet. Common sense tells us that we gentlemen need to keep this in mind when suggesting we meet.

The shallow cross I bare also offends many attractive women. Some women do not see themselves as attractive even if they are. Some are quite intelligent on this subject matter and come back with offensive questions to me, such as: “Tell me, Denzel Washington, what will you do if you fall in love with a woman and then she should have a terrible accident that takes away her looks?” Point taken.

Click On One Of The Links Below For More Fun Reads

Cra-Z D8s 1 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 2 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 3 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 4 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 5 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 6 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 7 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 8 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 9 (Funny Date Story)

Cra-Z D8s 10 (Funny Date Story)

Independence Day - 4th of July

please, explain god to me

Reflections In The Fog

Click on 'add me' and just follow the instructions. Thank You.


In the singles world, we all go on dates, some of which are so funny that the retelling of them makes the world laugh. Check out some of the funny stories others have experienced. Be sure to spread the laughter by sharing some of your own stories. Scroll down to find a comment section so that you can let the people who submitted the stories know how much you enjoyed reading about their funny dates. Report your crazy date by e-mail to:

Most important thing: have a fun, laugh-filled life. Don't let people rattle your cage. Be safe: Treat flattery like bubblegum: chew it; enjoy it; spit it out - don't swallow it. Educate with humor. Laugh while learning. There is no better humor than the facts of life. Laughter serves as a psychological healing balm rubbed upon our emotional wounds. - Bree

(All submissions become the sole property of Cra-Z D8s. Copyrighted material; write for permission to reprint.)


Anonymous said...

I so totally agree with the "physical" having to be attractive as well. I have currently been involved in a similar relationship, for 6 months, yet to meet. We are both attractive, but I am at a point where i think he will not like the person I am on the outside..says he loves me now, but I am freaked we shall see..hugz!!

crazycat said...

if a person presents themselve honestly from the start, pic and feelings then there should be no problem. but always meet in a very public place just incase.